Friday, March 27, 2009

Welcome to the "Frat Life"

Being as there is nothing to do in La Jolla, I decided to be a “bruh” and join a frat. Now that I look back, it’s one of the best decisions in my life. It’s so much fun and I get to make friendships that will last a lifetime. When most people thing about frats, they think, guys fondling each other, more gay shit, keggers, more gay shit, and partying with girls. To be honest, those things are pretty true and you get the added bonus of making friends, and meeting so many people that your Facebook friend count should increase about 200%. The big thing is, you get to party with girls, lots and lots of girls. I’ll let you judge, but in the words of Kanye, “Welcome to the good life.”

These first run of pictures are from an exchange with a sorority known as Kappa Kappa Gamma. They are one of the hottest sororities at UCSD. We grubbed at Pat & Oscars, then we headed to the “pool house” for the after party.

Everyone that made it out, look at all the girlies. =]

the girls right before dinner.

More girls...

Even more girls... I call dibs on the one on the right. jk, I love my girlfriend =]

The afterparty, unfortunately this is all I can show you of the after party, sorry to leave you guessing.

These photos are from our "Bomb dot com" Exchange with Chi Omega, a really dope sorority to chill with, they got some honeys too.

Jager Bomb, my fav.

At least we got Kirin Ichiban, instead of super shitty beer, i.e. keystone and that other weak shit.

Poor man version, didn't get whiskey to go with it.

Just warming up...

My big bro is a fool, but the 2 girls are hot!!!


More girls...

Now it's crackin'

From left to right, my grand big sis- Sophia, grand big bro- Matt, and new girl I just met.

Uyen and her big sis Swall..

It's just getting out of control now.

Kim and Diane, Diane is my new friend, she is so dope!!!

From left to right, Sammy, big bro Aaron, and Kim.

Had to throw this one in, TEAM HUNDREDS

White girls, white girls...


Damn, that was a lot of photos. I hope you like the sneak peak of how I live in SD. Maybe you will decide to transfer out here too. Up next is my latest pick ups since, well, lets just say a long time. Until then...

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